Research & Evaluation

The Workplace Center is a premier research and evaluation institute.  Since its inception, the Workplace Center has been awarded research funding through governmental agencies, foundations, and private sector organizations. Its research and evaluation outcomes have regularly contributed to and significantly shaped the field of career development, employment, labor force participation, and workplace practices.

Evaluation: The Workplace Center assists organizations in:

  • Monitoring program implementation fidelity and program performance
  • Evaluating outcomes including evidence-informed performance standards and outcome measures
  • Developing data collection protocols and report templates

Research: As an applied research center, the Workplace Center is expert in:

  • Research designs appropriate to program development, feasibility assessment, and effectiveness testing
  • Application of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methodologies needed to meet research objectives
  • Translation of research findings into programs and products that support organizational goals


For a description of our current and recent projects click here.

The Workplace Center is interested in research and evaluation that focuses on organizational systems in relation to issues around their policies, procedures and programming, organizational capacity, human resource practices, career development, and employment for individuals at risk of securing or sustaining connections to the workplace. If you or your organization has a related area of research you would like us to consider or an initiative in need of evaluation for impact and could utilize the expertise of the Workplace Center, please contact us at (212) 851-2258 or [email protected]